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Writer's pictureKeisha Virago

Seasonal Affective Disorder: How to Navigate it?

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Oh Vancouver, how I adore your vibrant fall weather and moody beaches this time of year.

The colours, the leaves, the smells, all serve as a gentle reminder that nothing in this life is permanent and transformation is constantly occurring all around us.

While mother nature is preparing to take things down a notch, we are reminded that hibernation season is approaching. And fast!

I am beyond blessed to be living in a city that may only see snow a handful of days each year. Gone are the days of freezing in -40 and having to shovel out my car just to get to work. How I managed for so long is beyond me.

But winter on the west coast is something else entirely.

Sunlight becomes a thing of the past, darkness engulfs the city in one fell swoop, and us Vancouverites accept the fact that we will resemble an army of drowned rats for the next 6 months.

Seasonal Affective Disorder is a very real thing and can consume you entirely if you’re not adequately prepared.

What is Seasonal Affective Disorder?

SAD is a form of depression that typically happens during fall and winter, although it can occur in people during spring and summer as well.

It is caused by a lack of exposure to the sun which decreases our levels of vitamin D preventing our neurotransmitters from releasing serotonin.

I’m not just talking about feeling blue or under the weather.

Seasonal Affective Disorder tends to last for a prolonged period of time or until the sun decides to grace us with her presence.

Symptoms include but are not limited to,

  • Low energy

  • Increased need for sleep

  • Feeling depressed

  • Lack of motivation

Anyone can experience the debilitating side effects associated with SAD.

However for those of us struggling with our mental health to begin with, it is more likely that a shift in seasons will impact our overall mood and stability.

When the sun stops making a regular appearance, our body naturally try’s to adjust to our environment and we can experience difficulty when it comes to regulating our emotions.

Over the years, I’ve managed to come up with 4 different coping skills to help support me through this challenging time of year and ensure I don’t fall completely off the deep end!

Take Your Supplements

If there’s one vitamin you should be taking on the regular, it’s good old vitamin D!

Extensive research has been conducted over the years showing that people diagnosed with mood disorders are more likely to be deficient in vitamin D than those who do not suffer from mental health issues.

During spring and summer I like to take 5000iu of vitamin D daily. This is the perfect amount for my body and you may require more or less.

However come November when what little sun we do have decides to go down before 5:00pm, I up my dose to 7000iu daily.

The extra 2000iu seems to do the trick, and I’m fully convinced it has prevented me from spiralling on more than one occasion.

Iron is another excellent choice when it comes to taking a daily supplement because it works to combat fatigue, boost your immune system, and aids in a more restorative overall sleep.

**Check in with your doctor (GP), Naturopath, or health care physician prior to consuming vitamins or supplements.

The Gym is Your Bestie

You’ve been at work all day, commuted back and forth in the pouring rain, and all you can think about is curling up on the couch in your pj’s with a warm blanket and your favourite cup of tea.

I feel this on SO many levels.

But hear me out. The gym is your bestie!

Especially in the dead of winter when SAD is at an all time high. Repeat after me, “endorphins are our friends”.

I know that the gym is probably the last thing on your mind after a long day. And I’m not always thrilled when I come home soaking wet and feeling like a human popsicle either.

This is precisely the reason why dedicating one hour out of each day to squeeze in a workout is so important!

Moving your body increases its overall temperature on top of flooding us with much needed endorphins.

You know, the hormones that make us feel happy.

By prioritizing your fitness and creating a routine that works with your day to day schedule, you can prevent yourself from feeling completely lifeless and unmotivated.

If you are the type of person that needs someone to hold you accountable, schedule a workout class or time slot with a personal trainer so you’re less inclined to bail last minute.

Alternatively if you prefer to stay home and avoid the cold weather, create a fitness plan that you can do from the comfort of your own home.

Whatever it takes to get yourself moving, make it happen!

Monitor Your Sleep

Sleep is also my bestie.

But there is absolutely such a thing as too much sleep.

Have you ever woken up from a 10+ hour slumber and noticed how disoriented and groggy you feel? Same.

I’ve never understood how some people can pass out for 12 hours at a time and rise from the dead feeling alert and revitalized. I wish! But my body just doesn’t operate that way.

If there were ever a time of year for me to become completely neurotic when it comes to monitoring my sleep schedule, it’s winter.

As tempting as it can be to take a nap after work because “it’s cold” and “I’m tired”, I refrain unless I feel like I’m coming down with a bug.

Anything over 8-9 hours each night and I’m lucky if I accomplish anything other than getting dressed in the morning.

Too much sleep can cause a couple of things to happen.

  • Headaches

  • Depression

There is truly nothing I hate more than waking up with a wicked headache!A part of me always wondered if this was a direct result of my drinking habits. Keisha 2.0 can confirm that was a lie.

Oversleeping is known to cause headaches because it affects certain neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin.

Depression can also occur if your hobbies include regular naps in addition to your daily sleep regimen. As much as our body requires rest in order to function, too much of anything can be detrimental to our overall health.

Keeping a sleep journal is beneficial for a number of reasons and provides clarity when we are feeling bogged down and unmotivated.

Are you experiencing a sleep deficit?

Are you getting a full night’s rest?

Do you need to catch up on sleep or is there an underlying reason your energy levels are suffering?

By creating a visual reference, we can tweak our daily habits and avoid the nasty side effects that stem from seasonal depression.

Make Plans + Hold Yourself Accountable

Making plans in the 21st century can feel next to impossible.

Most of us work varying schedules or are trying to balance more than one job to simply make ends meet #millennialproblems

I myself am guilty of scheduling a coffee date with friends only to cancel because I’m feeling worn down and straight up exhausted. It’s a very real thing.

During the rainy, winter season I know it’s the most crucial time to engage in social activities that leave me feeling recharged and inspired! But I also know that I have to hold myself accountable and fight the urge to curl up in bed with my pups and shut everyone out.

Finding that balance is a work in progress.

The key here is to assess your schedule and set aside a reasonable amount of time dedicated to the people in your life that build you up and make you feel alive! Your ride or dies.

Those relationships that are worth every ounce of effort because you couldn’t imagine your life without them.

Whether it’s once a week or more of a biweekly get together, you make plans and hold yourself accountable.

By prioritizing your social life and surrounding yourself with good vibes, you are less likely to become sucked into the black hole that is SAD.

Writing down your schedule in a day planner or monthly calendar (or both) provides clarity and prevents overbooking yourself, or worse, forgetting about previous engagements.

I LOVE lists and any method that keeps me organized and creates efficiency in my day to day tasks. OCD has its perks.

By referencing my schedule on a daily basis, I take control of my time and hold myself accountable despite unexpected temptations.

Being selective in who we choose to share our time and energy with is vital!

I know if at any point I had to reschedule or bail on plans last minute, my friends would not be resentful. My tribe has my back. They are supportive, understanding, and lenient.

Creating a loving, caring support system is equally important in terms of tending to our mental health.

And the last thing anyone needs when fighting SAD is to feel pressured or obligated for fear of disappointing friends and family.

True friends will understand you need to recharge and allow you the time and space to do just that.

Remember to take your supplements, get your body moving, monitor your sleep, and hold yourself accountable!

Listen to the signals from your body and be willing to make adjustments if something just isn’t working for you.

Conquering Seasonal Affective Disorder is possible if you’re willing to put in the work and commit to a lifestyle change.

Your body and mind will thank you in the long run, I promise.

Keisha V.

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