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5 Reasons to Invest in an Emotional Support Dog

Writer's picture: Keisha ViragoKeisha Virago

Updated: Apr 15, 2024

Up until 9 years ago, I didn’t even know that pet therapy was a thing.

I knew that I had always loved being around animals but never really took the time to acknowledge why that might be.

It wasn’t until 2010 when I was struggling with an extremely bad bout of depression that my therapist at the time suggested I try pet therapy.

Antidepressants and regular therapy sessions just weren’t cutting it for me anymore. Before fully understanding what this form of therapy might entail, I jumped at the word pet!

Why hadn’t I considered the companionship of a four legged friend?

At this point I did what any impulsive 17 year old would do. I went on the hunt for my new puppy!

The Day I Met My Best Friend

After countless days spent scouring the internet, my search came to an end. I found a woman not too far from me selling a litter of baby chihuahuas and I knew in my heart that my new friend was one of them.

Less than an hour later, I found myself being swarmed by the tiniest little fur balls I had ever seen! They were so little and full of energy that I contemplated going home with all 4 of them.

I had my mind set on a boy dog and she only had one left. Where was he anyways?

And then I saw him. In the far corner of the room laid the most precious little baby boy just chewing away at a bone the size of his entire body! His temperament was extremely docile and his energy was instantly soothing.

I knew in my heart that he was the one.

After days of stewing over the perfect puppy name, I decided to call him Boo. I didn’t know this back then, but Boo was about to teach me some invaluable life lessons.

Within a month of bringing home my handsome little bug, my depression had completely disappeared.

How crazy is that?

I was now responsible for someone other than myself which required a regimented schedule and a LOT of outdoor walks. If I wasn’t there to teach him and tend to his basic needs, nobody else was going to do it for me.

At the end of each day, I looked forward to going home so the two of us could run around and play as if we hadn’t seen each other in years!

No one had ever been THAT excited to see me and I started to feel as though my life had a purpose.

Simply put, I was happy.

No more battling the brain fog that emerged with each new antidepressant. If I was having a bad day, I knew Boo would be at home waiting to smother me with puppy kisses and unconditional love! Nothing compares to this level of connectedness. Absolutely nothing.

As time went by, I decided to adopt another puppy so that Boo would have a brother. We welcomed baby Tino to the family nearly 9 years ago and our little family was finally complete!

If you’re feeling skeptical or unsure that pet therapy is the best option for you, or if you’re dabbling with the idea but not 100% committed, keep scrolling.

Teaches Responsibility

Nothing forces you to grow up faster than realizing you’re solely responsible for the life of another living being.

Not only do you have to prioritize your pets safety, but you also have to make sure that you’re able to provide for them financially.

And let me tell you, puppies are VERY expensive!From dog food to vet bills, it can feel like you are constantly investing money into your furry little friend. Which is why building yourself an emergency fund for unexpected hospital visits is an absolute must!

I can’t tell you how many times my boys have eaten something that’s wound up costing me a pretty penny. Boo specifically seems to have a thing for rat poison and has managed to sniff it out on more than one occasion.

Having a dog teaches you a great deal of responsibility and you’ll notice you naturally start making healthier choices because you’re not the only one affected by your decisions anymore.

Creates Routine

If you’re not exactly a morning person and the thought of spending your weekends sleeping in gives you something pleasant to look forward to throughout the week, think again.

You get up when your pup wakes up. Unless you enjoy the lingering smell of dog poop, personally I’m not a fan.

Implementing a regular feeding schedule is extremely important for your pets overall health! Making sure they are fed at the same time each day creates a healthy routine for both you and your furry friend.

Going out with friends after work now means stopping at home beforehand to feed your dog and go for a walk.

It took me a while to rejig my social life around my dogs schedule, but eventually it becomes second nature.

Unconditional Love

I look at my boys every day and still can’t believe how much unconditional love they possess.

A dogs innate ability to sense when something is wrong and instantly come to console you is something I feel honoured to be apart of.

If you’re on the verge of a breakdown or crying uncontrollably, they are there. Ready to smother you with kisses and remind you that you’re not alone.

Everything will be ok in the presence of your pup. They are here to love and support us and their entire world revolves around this bond!

Just as we need them when times are hard, they equally rely on us to gain a sense of purpose and belonging.

Sometimes all we need is to feel wanted. Sometimes all we want is to feel loved.

Provide Comfort and Ease Anxiety

Researchers have completed several studies to support the effect your furry little friend can have on the production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain.

Spending time each day connecting with your dog has been proven to increase the bodies natural ability to produce these chemicals.

How cool is that?

This allows you to feel calm and at ease in the presence of your pet. If you’re in need of some time to disconnect and recharge, why not take half an hour to play and indulge in a cuddle sesh? Sign me up!

Forces You to Get Outside

On those days when you’re seriously struggling to get out of bed and can’t fathom the thought of anything other than pulling the covers over your head and shutting out the world, you simply don’t have a choice.

Your pet needs you and you’re forced to get up and go outside!

During the colder months of the year this task might feel daunting, but I promise you it’s a blessing in disguise.

Breathing in fresh air and allowing your senses to orient to an outside environment is a major mood enhancer!

Oftentimes we are aware of the positive effect nature has on our emotional wellbeing, but there is nothing forcing us to utilize it as a coping mechanism.

Your pups got you covered in this department.

If you feel like you’ve exhausted all of your options and are still struggling with your depression and anxiety, then pet therapy might be the perfect fit for you.

At the end of the day it is a huge responsibility and I understand that it’s not for everyone.

Speaking from personal experience, I can’t imagine my life any other way! #pettherapy

Keisha V.


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